Category: Health Challenges | Written by: Pharm Tina Ekperigin | Published on: November 9, 2024

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A stroke occurs when the blood supply to part of your brain is interrupted or reduced, depriving brain tissue of oxygen and nutrients. Within minutes, brain cells begin to die. A stroke is a medical emergency. Prompt treatment is crucial. Early action can minimize brain damage and potential complications. The good news is that strokes can be treated and prevented



  • Trouble with speaking and understanding. You may experience confusion. You may slur your words or have difficulty understanding speech.
  • Paralysis or numbness of the face, arm or leg. You may develop sudden numbness, weakness or paralysis in your face, arm or leg. This often happens just on one side of your body. Try to raise both your arms over your head at the same time. If one arm begins to fall, you may be having a stroke. Also, one side of your mouth may droop when you try to smile.
  • Trouble with seeing in one or both eyes. You may suddenly have blurred or blackened vision in one or both eyes, and you may see double.
  • Headache. A sudden, severe headache, which may be accompanied by vomiting, dizziness or altered consciousness, may indicate you're having a stroke.
  • Trouble with walking. You may stumble or experience sudden dizziness, loss of balance or loss of coordination.
  • Muscular: difficulty walking, paralysis with weak muscles, problems with coordination, stiff muscles, overactive reflexes, or paralysis of one side of the body
  • Whole body: balance disorder, fatigue, lightheadedness, or vertigo
  • Visual: blurred vision, double vision, sudden visual loss, or temporary loss of vision in one eye
  • Speech: difficulty speaking, slurred speech, or speech loss
  • Sensory: pins and needles or reduced sensation of touch
  • Facial: muscle weakness or numbness
  • Limbs: numbness or weakness
  • Also common: difficulty swallowing, headache, inability to understand, mental confusion, or rapid involuntary eye movement



  • High blood pressure
  • heart disease or atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat)
  • cigarette smoking
  • diabetes
  • high cholesterol
  • physical inactivity
  • high alcohol intake (more than 10 drinks per week for women or more than 15 drinks per week for men)
  • stress


A stroke may be caused by a blocked artery (ischemic stroke) or the leaking or bursting of a blood vessel (hemorrhagic stroke). Some people may experience only a temporary disruption of blood flow to the brain (transient ischemic attack, or TIA) that doesn't cause permanent damage.

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About 80 percent of strokes are ischemic strokes. Ischemic strokes occur when the arteries to your brain become narrowed or blocked, causing severely reduced blood flow (ischemia). The most common ischemic strokes include:

THROMBOTIC STROKE:  A thrombotic stroke occurs when a blood clot (thrombus) forms in one of the arteries that supply blood to your brain. A clot may be caused by fatty deposits (plaque) that build up in arteries and cause reduced blood flow (atherosclerosis) to the brain

EMBOLIC STROKEAn embolic stroke occurs when a blood clot or other debris forms away from your brain — commonly in your heart — and is swept through your bloodstream to lodge in narrower brain arteries. This type of blood clot is called an embolus.


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Hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel in your brain leaks or ruptures. Brain hemorrhages can result from many conditions that affect your blood vessels. These include:

  • Uncontrolled high blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Overtreatment with anticoagulants (blood thinners)
  • Weak spots in your blood vessel walls (aneurysms)

A less common cause of hemorrhage is the rupture of an abnormal tangle of thin-walled blood vessels (arteriovenous malformation). Types of hemorrhagic stroke include:

INTRACEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE:  In an intra-cerebral hemorrhage, a blood vessel in the brain bursts and spills into the surrounding brain tissue, damaging brain cells. Brain cells beyond the leak are deprived of blood and are also damaged. High blood pressure, trauma, vascular malformations, use of blood-thinning medications and other conditions may cause an intra-cerebral hemorrhage.

SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE:. In a subarachnoid hemorrhage an artery on / near the surface of your brain bursts and spills into the space between the surface of your brain and your skull. This bleeding is often signaled by a sudden, severe headache.

A subarachnoid hemorrhage is commonly caused by the bursting of a small sack-shaped or berry-shaped aneurysm. After the hemorrhage, the blood vessels in your brain may widen and narrow erratically (vasospasm), causing brain cell damage by further limiting blood flow.


A TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK (TIA):  — sometimes known as a mini-stroke — is a temporary period of symptoms similar to those you'd have in a stroke. A temporary decrease in blood supply to part of your brain causes TIAs, which may last as little as five minutes.

Like an ischemic stroke, a TIA occurs when a clot or debris blocks blood flow to part of your nervous system — but there is no permanent tissue damage and no lasting symptoms.

If you've had a TIA, it means there's likely a partially blocked or narrowed artery leading to your brain or a clot source in the heart.

It's not possible to tell if you're having a stroke or a TIA based only on your symptoms. Even when symptoms last for under an hour, there is still a risk of permanent tissue damage.

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Many factors can increase your stroke risk. Some factors can also increase your chances of having a heart attack. Potentially treatable stroke risk factors include:


  • Lifestyle risk factors
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Physical inactivity
  • Heavy or binge drinking
  • Use of illicit drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamines
  • Medical risk factor
  • Blood pressure readings higher than 120/80 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg)
  • Cigarette smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke
  • High cholesterol Diabetes
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Cardiovascular disease, including heart failure, heart defects, heart infection or abnormal heart rhythm
  • Personal or family history of stroke, heart attack or transient ischemic attack.
  • Age —People age 55 or older have a higher risk of stroke than do younger people.
  • Race — African-Americans have a higher risk of stroke than do people of other races.
  • Sex — Men have a higher risk of stroke than women. Women are usually older when they have strokes, and they're more likely to die of strokes than are men.
  • Hormones — use of birth control pills or hormone therapies that include estrogen, as well as increased estrogen levels from pregnancy and childbirth.


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A stroke can sometimes cause temporary or permanent disabilities, depending on how long the brain lacks blood flow and which part was affected. Complications may include:

  • Paralysis or loss of muscle movement. You may become paralyzed on one side of your body, or lose control of certain muscles, such as those on one side of your face or one arm. Physical therapy may help you return to activities affected by paralysis, such as walking, eating and dressing
  • Difficulty talking or swallowing. A stroke might affect control of the muscles in your mouth and throat, making it difficult for you to talk clearly (dysarthria), swallow (dysphagia) or eat. You also may have difficulty with language (aphasia), including speaking or understanding speech, reading, or writing. Therapy with a speech-language pathologist might help.
  • Memory loss or thinking difficulties. Many people who have had strokes experience some memory loss. Others may have difficulty thinking, making judgments, reasoning and understanding concepts.
  • Emotional problems. People who have had strokes may have more difficulty controlling their emotions, or they may develop depression.
  • Pain. Pain, numbness or other strange sensations may occur in the parts of the body affected by stroke. For example, if a stroke causes you to lose feeling in your left arm, you may develop an uncomfortable tingling sensation in that arm.
  • People also may be sensitive to temperature changes, especially extreme cold, after a stroke. This complication is known as central stroke pain or central pain syndrome. This condition generally develops several weeks after a stroke, and it may improve over time. But because the pain is caused by a problem in your brain, rather than a physical injury, there are few treatments.
  • Changes in behavior and self-care ability. People who have had strokes may become more withdrawn and less social or more impulsive. They may need help with grooming and daily chores.
  • Difficulty making decisions: changes in personality or behavior could mean the part of the brain that controls behavior has some damage.
  • Difficulty breathing: swallowing difficulties can lead to an infection or pneumonia caused by food or liquid getting into the airway. This causes complication to the lungs.
  • Incontinence: damage to the nerves and the area of the brain that control the bowels and bladder can cause loss of control over these functions. 
  • Nerve problems: nerve problems could mean the brain and certain nerve groups aren’t communicating properly due to damage from the stroke.
  • Reduced sexual ability: paralysis or muscle weakness may affect the ability to engage in sexual activity. 
  • Fatigue and low endurance: feeling tired or worn out despite getting rest is common after a stroke. You may need to restructure activities or receive rehabilitation.
  • Body temperature control: damage to specific parts of the brain can affect the body’s ability to regulate temperature.
  • Poor hand – eye coordination: nerve communication problems with the brain, combined with muscle weakness, can lead to changes in hand- eye co-ordination.
  • Visual problems: there may be changes in vision, like losing the ability to judge space and depth, or trouble seeing clearly. 

Damage to the area of your brain that controls eating and swallowing can cause you to have trouble with these functions. This is called dysphagia. It is a common symptom following a stroke, but often improves with time. If the muscles in your throat, tongue, or mouth aren’t able to direct food down the esophagus, food and liquid can get into the airway and settle in the lungs. This can cause serious complications, like infection and pneumonia. A stroke that happens in the brain stem, where your body’s vital functions — like breathing, heartbeat, and body temperature — are controlled can also cause breathing problems. This type of stroke is more likely to result in coma or death.


The nervous system is made up of the brain, spinal cord, and a network of nerves throughout the body. This system sends signals back and forth from the body to the brain. When the brain is damaged, it doesn’t receive these messages correctly.

You may feel pain more than normal, or when doing regular activities that weren’t painful before the stroke. This change in perception is because the brain might not understand the sensations, like warmth or cold, the way it used to.

Changes in vision can happen if the parts of the brain that communicate with the eyes get damaged. These issues can include loss of vision, losing one side or parts of the field of vision, and problems moving the eyes. There may also be processing issues, meaning the brain isn’t getting the right information from the eyes.

  • Foot drop is a common type of weakness or paralysis that makes it difficult to lift the front part of the foot. It can cause you to drag your toes along the ground while walking, or bend at the knee to lift the foot higher to keep it from dragging. The problem is usually caused by nerve damage and may improve with rehabilitation. A brace might also be helpful.


There is some overlap between the areas of the brain and their function.

  • Damage to the front part of the brain may cause changes in intelligence, movement, logic, personality traits, and thinking patterns. If this area is affected following a stroke it may also make planning difficult.
  • Damage to the right side of the brain can cause loss of attention span, focus and memory issues, and trouble recognizing faces or objects even if they’re familiar. It can also result in behavior changes, like impulsiveness, inappropriateness, and depression.
  • Damage to the left side of the brain can cause difficulty speaking and understanding language, memory problems, trouble reasoning, organizing, thinking mathematically/analytically, and behavior changes.
  • Following a stroke, you’re also at a higher risk of having a seizure. This often depends on the size of the stroke, the location, and its severity. 
  • A stroke is often caused by existing issues within the circulatory system that build up over time. These are often due to complications related to high cholesterol, high blood pressure, smoking, and diabetes. A stroke can be caused by bleeding, known as a hemorrhagic stroke, or blocked blood flow called an ischemic stroke. A clot typically causes blocked blood flow strokes. These are the most common, causing nearly 90 percent of all strokes.

If you’ve had a stroke, you are at a higher risk of having a second stroke or heart attack. To prevent another stroke, your doctor will recommend lifestyle changes, like eating healthy and being more physically active. They may also prescribe medications.

Your doctor will also recommend getting better control of any ongoing health problems like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes. If you smoke, you will be encouraged to quit.

  • Muscular system

Depending on which area of the brain is damaged, a stroke can have an effect on a variety of different muscle groups. These changes can range from major to minor, and will usually require rehabilitation to improve.

A stroke normally effects one side of the brain. The left side of the brain controls the right side of the body and the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body. If there’s a lot of damage to the left side of the brain, you may experience paralysis on the right side of the body.

When messages can’t travel properly from the brain to the body’s muscles, this can cause paralysis and muscle weakness. Weak muscles have trouble supporting the body, which tends to add to movement and balance problems.

  • Digestive system

During early stroke recovery, you’re typically not as active as usual. You may also be taking different medications. Constipation is a common side effect of some pain medications, not drinking enough liquids, or not being as physically active.

It’s also possible for the stroke to affect the part of your brain that controls your bowels. This can cause incontinence, meaning the loss of control over bowel function. It’s more common in the early recovery stages and often improves over time.

  • Urinary system

Damage from a stroke can cause a breakdown in communication between the brain and the muscles that control your bladder. When this happens, you may need to go to the bathroom more often, or you may urinate in your sleep, or while coughing or laughing. Like bowel incontinence, this is usually an early symptom that improves with time.

  • Reproductive system: Having a stroke doesn’t directly change how your reproductive system works, but it can change how you experience sex and how you feel about your body. Depression, a decreased ability to communicate, and certain medications may also decrease your desire for sexual activity.


Forever Aloe Vera Gel®



  • It is one of the oldest known medicinal plants: with over 2000 years of history and science
  • Cactus-like in appearance, but actually a member of the lilly family. There are over 200 varieties of aloe vera 
  • Contains over 75 nutritional compounds including 20 minerals, 18 amino acids and 12 vitamins 
  • Aloe vera has five unique benefits to the human body 
  • PENETRATION – Aloe reaches the deepest body tissues, some seven layers deep 
  • ANTISEPTIC – it has six antiseptic agents which kill bacteria , viruses and fungus 
  • STIMULATES CELL GROWTH – stimulates the birth of new healthy cell tissue 
  • SETTLES NERVES – calming effect on the body’s nervous system 
  • CLEANSES – Detoxifies and normalizes the body’s metabolism 
  • ALOE VERa is a natural healthy cocktail which promotes health and well being in the body 


  • Burns, Ulcers, cuts, bruises, stings and bites bowel disorders such as colitis, diverticulitis, and IBS ( irritable bowel syndrome ) 
  • Skin problems such as Psoriasis, eczema, Acne and Dermatitis 
  • Other complaints such as digestive problems and disordered immune system, arthritis, asthma, “ M.E” ( post viral fatigue syndrome) and “ I.E” (lupus) 
  • Aloe vera is an adaptogen. It adapts to the body’s needs promoting regenerative processes which means it can be used for conflicting condition such as diarrhea and constipation 
  • ALOE VERA is safe,  non- toxic and offers no known side effects 
  • Basically, it is a health juice. it is impossible to “ overdose” 
  • Can be taken internally or applied topically 
  • Anti-pyretic – reduces heat and sores
  • Anti- inflammatory – reduces swelling 
  • Anti- pruritic – stops itching 
  • Fungicidal – combats fungus
  • Bactericidal – acts as a strong anti- biotic destroying bacteria even when diluted 



  • Largest grower, manufacturer and distributor of aloe vera 
  • Free from pesticides, herbicides and artificial flavorings
  • Products manufactured under pharmaceutical conditions
  • Has a unique and patented stabilization process
  • 100% stabilized aloe vera is the main ingredient in our products 
  • Is not heat treated as heat destroys active ingredients 
  • We only use gel form inside of the leaf 
  • We do not harvest until the plant is four years old 
  • We only use succulent aloe barbadensis miller species 



  • The backbone of the company are the aloe vera drinks 
  • Drinks are not sold on taste but on the benefits
  • These drinks represent 50% of the worldwide profits each year 
  • Pure stabilized aloe vera gel is the major ingredient 
  • All ingredients are essential to good health 
  • Nutritional supplements ( vitamins, Minerals, Amino acids, Enzymes )
  • A Natural health drink which might help cleanse the digestive system, improve circulation, metabolic disorders, energy lvels, reduce he effects of allergies and promote internal balance. 
  • Our drinks were the first to receive the international aloe science council certification BUY NOW






  • It is a general body tonic: replenishes lost vital nutrients (amino acid, vitamins, mineral, e.t.c. it is an elixir of life.
  • Increases feelings of vitality and increases flexibility
  • Contains more than 200 nutrients compounds.
  • Detoxifies the entire body system of toxins (due to the presence of vitamin A, C and E). protecting the cells, tissues and organs.( strong antioxidant ) aids rejuvenation
  • Cleanses the entire digestive system ( due to the presence of saponin) and also, aid in healing stomach disorders, constipation, heamorrhoids, rectal itching, colitis and all colon problems
  • It is a non steroidal anti inflammatory, helpful against infections, even against AIDS. 
  • Natural source of energy (increases rat of metabolism); help against low energy level. 
  • Uses ; btw 60ml/ 120ml, one hour or thirty mins before meal
  • DRINK IN THE GOODNESS OF 100% STABILIZED ALOE VERA Gel and you benefit from 200 nutritional components, with 75 minerals and vitamins, 22 amino acids, including the 8 essential proteins, carbohydrates, fats and enzymes. 
  • A natural healer, heals wounds and ulcers.
  • Contains saponnins, the active ingredients in soap which helps to cleans and nourish the body. 
  • Favored by people with digestive disorders and skin disorders. 
  • Contains lignin which is a natural vehicle for transportation of other elements in and out of cells
  •  Being an adaptogen, it is highly capable of serving its individual according to the individuals body health needs, by replacing what is missing, destroy every danger in the body and repair whatever part of the body cells that are damaged in that particular individuals body
  • Detoxifies and normalizes the body metabolism.
  • It has six antiseptic agents, which kills bacteria viruses and fungi. 
  • Food in a glass, balanced meal with powerful healing, regenerative and restorative properties helping to boost energy level 




Forever Arctic Sea® by Forever Living

This product was begotten out of the discovery that people living in the north and south poles where the temperature is very cold hardly ever complain of coronary problems, like heart failures, erectile dysfunction and in adequate blood flow. 

A research was carried out and it was found out that this was because they ate natural fish which contained high sources of omega3 and 9. It was discovered that fishes in colder waters had a high value both in quantity and mostly in quality of fish oil which contained omega 3 and 9

Hence the birth of our wonderful product called ARCTIC SEA SUPER OMEGA 3 because the fishes in the Nordic  parts of the world which are very cold and ice are the fishes from which our omega 3 is gotten from through a cold extraction method, because omega 3 is heat label ( losses it potency when exposed to heat). 

Designed to provide a source of poly – unsaturated omega – 3 fish oil (750mg) and olive oil ( omega 9 -250mg)

  • Each capsule contains about 30 teaspoons of fish oil 
  • Omega-3 fish oils are extracted from deep in the “ pollution and toxin free environment” of the arctic sea
  • BENEFITS: brains and nerve development function, arthritis, hormonal imbalance, skin health, boosts energy and immunity, reduces high blood pressure, helps to prevent breast cancer, reduces high cholesterol, prevents heart attack and stroke.
  • Essential fatty acids; omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids: ( polyunsaturated fatty acid) with calamari oil. Naturally rich in epa ( Eicosapentaeonic Acid) and DHA (Decosahexavenoic Acid) ; which aid against dry eye syndrome, inflammatory disorders of all types, premenstrual syndrome ( especially breast pain) and tendency to clot formation in the blood.
  • Essential and helpful against heat diseases
  • Melts down all forms of plaques in the arteries.
  • Increases cognitive functions 
  • Forever Artic sea super omega 3 help manages erectile problems in males. And is used to prevent erectile issues because it melts away all the plaque Blocking the flow of blood to the Reproductive Organ.
  • Provides the brain with a synergetic action of omega 3 and omega 9 which helps ensure optimum brain performance. 
  • Helps to reduce blood cholesterol level. Thereby promoting healthy circulation
  • Has a binding property, helps in transporting antioxidants vitamins to vital organs of the body… thereby preventing premature aging of body cells 
  • Helpful against joint problems, blood pressure, learning difficulties, aid ability to recall information and skin disorders: beneficial for candidiasis, cardiovascular disease, eczema and psoriasis.
  • Aid in the transmission of nerve impulses and are needed for normal development and functioning of the brain 
  • Powerful anti-inflammatory
  • Forever Arctic Sea provides a perfect balance of Omega-3 fatty acids in a proprietary blend of natural fish oil and calamari oil to better support your cardiovascular system, brain, and eyes.
  • This unique blend provides not only 33% more DHA per day, but creates the perfect balance of DHA and EPA for optimal health and wellness.
  • Helps to decrease the risk of mental decline associated with aging.
  • Suggested for a healthy heart and joint mobility and reduces Cholesterol levels.
  • Excellent for Arthritis sufferers when used in conjunction with Aloe Vera Gel.
  •   Arctic Sea Super Omega 3 reduces the excess cholesterol levels in the blood, thus reducing the risk of heart attack
  •   Beneficial for inflammatory disease such as arthritis.
  •   Deficiency leads to eye disorders, muscle weakness, tingling of the arms and legs.
  •   Good for brain development for all including unborn children and the growing child.
  •   Recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers.




Forever GarlicbyThyme® by Forever Living

  • EACH Soft gel contains odorless oil of garlic, equivalent to 1,000mg of fresh garlic cloves 
  • Garlic is an anti-bacterial agent which enters the blood stream and disinfects the lungs, bowels and skin.
  • Thyme is anti-bacterial and anti- fungal that helps bronchitis, soothes the digestive system and is a powerful anti-oxidant which helps combat cancer 
  • By including A- BETA CARE, arctic – sea super omega 3 , Nature Min and Garlic thyme in our daily diet, the body’s defenses against potentially life threatening chemicals ever present in our day to day activities will be increased. 

BENEFITS: IDEAL IN THE treatment of heart problems, liver diseases, yeast infections, sinusitis, natural decongestant and much more 


  • Bringing together two historically beneficial herbs into one great formula, Forever Garlic-Thyme offers an odorless soft gel that is the equivalent of 1000mg of fresh garlic, which has been shown in studies to maintain health and immunity.
  • Contains allicin which cleanses your blood as such enhances good blood pressure. 
  • Helps with cholesterol, acne, blood pressure, cold, flu, chest infections and sinusitis.
  • Removes body odour.
  • Aids in the treatment of Arteriosclerosis, Asthma, Arthritis, Cancer, Circulatory problems, Cold, Flu, Heart disorders, Insomnia, Liver DISEASES, Candida, Fluid retention, Lower blood pressure.
  • Helps support the conversion of fats to energy.




Forever ARGI+® by Forever Living

  • Contains pomegranate – well known for its strong antioxidant properties
  • Contains red wine extract – to help maintain healthy cholesterol levels
  • Contains grape skin and berry extracts for cardiovascular and immune system function

Contains L – Arginine known as the miracle molecule because it is converted into nitric oxide which is vital for overall cardiovascular health, stroke related problems. L-Arganine helps lower your blood pressure by relaxing and opening your arteries.

  • Combination of Aloe Vera Gel, Absorbent C, Arctic Sea Super Omega 3. 


  • It improves energy level and energizes the body system.
  • Promotes healthy blood pressure making it very helpful for High Blood Pressure patients.
  • Improves cognitive ability.
  • Anti-ageing. Help in production of anti- aging hormone 
  • Helps bone and tissue growth and repair
  • Helps with male sexual function, erectile dysfunction 
  • Helps with muscle growth 
  • Helps with fat and glucose metabolism 
  • Helpful in proper functions or reproductive organs especially in male.
  • Reduces body fat, maintains sugar level. 
  • Immune system supporter.
  • Speeds up recovery after strenuous exercise.
  • Muscle regenerator, highly recommended for sports men and women.
  • Good for proper digestion.
  • Strong antioxidant.
  • Use as sweetener or simply mix a scoop in water or Aloe Vera Gel and drink.
  • Dilates the arteries and veins due to the presences of nitric oxide through L- arginine which makes the arteries and veins bigger for more blood to flow at a faster rate. 
  • Increased agility which leads to increase speed of performance in all areas of the body physical functioning.