Category: Health Challenges | Written by: Pharm Tina Ekperigin | Published on: November 9, 2024

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Most people have eye problems at one time or another. Some are minor and will go away on their own, or are easy to treat at home. Others need a specialist’s care.


  • Severe, sudden eye pain
  • Recurrent pain in or around the eye
  • Hazy, blurred, or double vision
  • Seeing flashes of light or sudden bright floating spots
  • Seeing rainbows or halos around lights
  • Seeing floating "spider webs"
  • Seeing a "curtain coming down" over one eye
  • Sensing a "cup filling up with ink" in one eye
  • Unusual, even painful, sensitivity to light or glare
  • Swollen, red eyes
  • Changes in the color of the iris
  • White areas in the pupil of the eye
  • Sudden development of persistent floaters
  • Itching, burning, or a heavy discharge in the eyes
  • Any sudden change in vision


Other indications of possible vision problems may include problems with the following daily living activities:


  • Having difficulty walking on irregular or bumpy surfaces
  • Walking or stepping hesitantly
  • Going up and down stairs slowly and cautiously
  • Shuffling the feet
  • Brushing against walls while walking
  • Missing objects by under-reaching or over-reaching


  • Discontinuing or doing certain activities differently such as reading, watching television, driving, walking, or engaging in hobbies
  • Squinting or tilting the head to the side to focus on an object
  • Having difficulty identifying faces or objects
  • Having trouble locating personal objects, even in a familiar environment
  • Reaching out for objects in an uncertain manner
  • Having trouble identifying colors
  • Selecting clothing in unusual combinations of colors or patterns


  • Having problems getting food onto a fork
  • Having difficulty cutting food or serving from a serving dish
  • Spilling food off the plate while eating
  • Pouring liquids over the top of a cup or drinking glass
  • Knocking over glasses while reaching across the table for another item


  • No longer reading mail, newspapers, or books
  • Holding reading material very close to the face or at an angle
  • Writing less clearly and having trouble writing on a line
  • Finding that lighting that was previously sufficient is now inadequate for reading and other activities

The eye cells needs about 18 vitamins and nutrient including Vitamins C and E, zinc, lutein, zeaxanthin, and omega-3 fatty acids (to mention but a few) in order to perform optimally. They help prevent cataracts, clouding of your eye lens and enable the eye cells to be able to regenerate quickly while fighting any attack that may come to affect our vision. But when the eye cells are undernourished, the eye is left unprotected and vulnerable to a lot of dangerous attack

Whether your vision isn’t what it used to be, or never was that great, there are things you can do to get your eye health back on track. See if any of these common problems sound familiar. 


Anyone who reads for hours, works at a computer, or drives long distances knows about this one. It happens when you overuse your eyes. They get tired and need to rest, just like any other part of your body.


Your eyes look bloodshot. Why?

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Their surface is covered in blood vessels that expand when they’re irritated or infected. That gives your eyes the red look. Eyestrain can do it, and so can a late night, a lack of sleep, or allergies. If an injury is the cause, get it checked by your doctor.

Red eyes could be a symptom of another eye condition, like conjunctivitis (pinkeye) or sun damage from not wearing shades over the years. If over-the-counter eye drops and rest don’t clear it up, see your doctor.


Is it hard to see at night, especially while driving? Is it tough to find your way around in dark places, such as movie theaters?

That sounds like night blindness. It’s a symptom, not a problem in its own right. Nearsightedness, cataracts, keratoconus, and a lack of vitamin A all cause a type of night blindness that doctors can fix.

Some people are born with this problem, or it might develop from a degenerative disease involving the retina, and that usually can’t be treated. If you have it, you’ll need to be extra careful in areas of low light.


Lazy eye, or amblyopia, happens when one eye doesn’t develop properly. Vision is weaker in that eye, and it tends to move “lazily” around while the other eye stays put. It’s found in infants, children, and adults, and rarely affects both eyes. Treatment needs to be sought immediately for infants and children.

Lifelong vision problems can be avoided if a lazy eye is detected and treated during early childhood. Treatment includes corrective glasses or contact lenses and using a patch or other strategies to make a child use the lazy eye.


If your eyes aren’t lined up with each other when you look at something, you could have strabismus. You might also hear it called crossed eyes or walleye.


When you can’t see certain colors or can’t tell the difference between them (usually reds and greens) you may be colorblind. It happens when the color cells in your eye (the doctor will call them cone cells) are absent or don’t work. When it’s most severe, you can only see in shades of gray, but this is rare. Most people who have it are born with it, but you can get it later in life from certain drugs and diseases. Your doctor can tell you what’s to blame. Men are much more likely to be born with it than women.


This is the name for a group of diseases that cause inflammation of the uvea. That’s the middle layer of the eye that contains most of the blood vessels. These diseases can destroy eye tissue, and even cause eye loss. People of all ages can have it. Symptoms may go away quickly or last for a long time.

People with immune system conditions like AIDS, rheumatoid arthritis, or ulcerative colitis may be more likely to have uveitis. Symptoms may include:

  • Blurred vision
  • Eye pain
  • Eye redness
  • Light sensitivity


This happens when you lose the ability, despite good distance vision, to clearly see close objects and small print. After age 40 or so, you may have to hold a book or other reading material farther away from your eyes to make it easier to read. Sort of like your arms are too short.


These are tiny spots or specks that float across your field of vision. Most people notice them in well-lit rooms or outdoors on a bright day. Floaters are usually normal, but they sometimes can be a sign of a more serious eye problem, like retinal detachment. That’s when the retina at the back of your eye separates from the layer underneath. When this happens, you might also see light flashes along with the floaters or a dark shadow come across the edge of your sight.

Dry Eyes

This happens when your eyes can't make enough good-quality tears. You might feel like something is in your eye or like it’s burning. Rarely, in severe cases, extreme dryness can lead to some loss of vision. 

If your dry eye problem is chronic, you may have dry eye disease. You doctor could prescribe medicated drops like cyclosporine (Cequa, Restasis) or lifitegrast (Xiidra) to stimulate tear production.


It has nothing to do with your feelings. You might be sensitive to light, wind, or temperature changes. Try to protect your eyes by shielding them or wearing sunglasses (go for wraparound frames -- they block more wind than other types). Tearing may also signal a more serious problem, like an eye infection or a blocked tear duct. 



These are cloudy areas that develop in the eye lens.

A healthy lens is clear like a camera's. Light passes through it to your retina -- the back of your eye where images are processed. When you have a cataract, light can't get through as easily. The result: You can't see as well and may notice glare or a halo around lights at night. Cataracts often form slowly. They don't cause symptoms like pain, redness, or tearing in the eye.


Your eye is like a tire: Some pressure inside it is normal and safe. But levels that are too high can damage your optic nerve. Glaucoma is the name for a group of diseases that cause this condition.

A common form is primary open angle glaucoma. Most people who have it don’t have early symptoms or pain. So it's important to keep up with your regular eye exams.

It doesn’t happen often, but glaucoma can be caused by:

  • An injury to the eye
  • Blocked blood vessels
  • Inflammatory disorders of the eye


This happens when the person’s retina always sees double vision due to lack of ability to properly interpret the message sent to it through the eye lens.

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The retina is a thin lining on the back of your eye that is made up of cells that collect images and pass them on to your brain. Retinal disorders block this transfer. There are different types:

  • Age-related macular degeneration refers to a breakdown of a small portion of the retina called the macula.
  • Diabetic retinopathy is damage to the blood vessels in your retina caused by diabetes.
  • Retinal detachment happens when the retina separates from the layer underneath.


In this condition, tissue that lines the back of your eyelids and covers your sclera gets inflamed. It can cause redness, itching, burning, tearing, discharge, or a feeling that something is in your eye. People of all ages can get it. Causes include infection, exposure to chemicals and irritants, or allergies. Wash your hands often to lower your chance of getting it


The cornea is the clear, dome-shaped "window" at the front of your eye. It helps to focus the light that comes in. Disease, infection, injury, and exposure to toxins can damage it. Signs include:

  • Red eyes
  • Watery eyes
  • Pain
  • Reduced vision, or a halo effect


Your eyelids do a lot for you. They protect your eye, spread tears over its surface, and limit the amount of light that can get in. Pain, itching, tearing, and sensitivity to light are common symptoms of eyelid problems. You might also have blinking spasms or inflamed outer edges near your eyelashes.


As you get older, you may find that you can’t see as well as you once did. That’s normal. You’ll probably need glasses or contacts. You may choose to have surgery (LASIK) to correct your vision. If you already have glasses, you may need a stronger prescription.

Other, more serious conditions also happen as you age. Eye diseases like macular degeneration, glaucoma, and cataracts, can cause vision problems. Symptoms vary a lot among these disorders, so keep up with your eye exams.


In order to maintain a healthy eye vision, forever vision, the world’s best eye supplement was introduced to humanity.


Forever iVision

  • Our vision is a precious sense, and one that we should not take for granted. Forever Vision is a dietary supplement with bilberry, lutein and zeaxanthin plus super antioxidants and other nutrients that helps to support normal eyesight and improve circulation to the eyes.
  • Contains all the vitamins and mineral nutrients needed by the eye to perform optimally.
  • Powerful anti- oxidants which help to prevent muscular degeneration, protects the retina and improves blood circulation to the eyes 
  • Highly recommended for people with diabetic eye problems.
  • Helps protect the retina.


BENEFITS: Support and enhance normal eyesight



Forever iVision

  • Natural source of carotenoids: lutein, bilberry, zeaxantin and astaxanthin
  • Supports normal eye sight (improves macular and retina health); it prevents degeneration of the eye.
  • Improve circulation to the eye; preventing glaucoma.

Uses; one tablet twice daily. 

2 tablets 2 times daily.