Shrink and Reverse Fibroid Naturally

Shrink and Reverse Fibroid Naturally

Category: Women's Health | Written by: Pharm Tina Ekperigin | Published on: November 9, 2024

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The female body is made up of different systems which works together to maintain optimum health. One of the most important system in the female body is the female reproductive system. It consists of the fallopian tube, the ovary, the endometrium, the myometrium, the cervix, the vagina and the uterus. 

The organ called the Uterus is also known as the womb because its main function is to nourish the developing fetus prior to birth. The Uterus is the core of the female reproductive system and it is a hollow muscular organ located in the female pelvis between the bladder and rectum.

The uterus is made up of three layers, the outer layer of the uterus, the serosa, is a thin layer of tissue made of epithelial cells that envelop the uterus.

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The middle layer, or myometrium, makes up most of the uterine volume and is the muscular layer, composed primarily of smooth muscle cells. These muscle cells are capable of undergoing great elongation in association with the great enlargement of the organ in pregnancy and the contraction of the myometrium is responsible for expulsion of the fetus from the womb at the time of child birth. The inner layer called the endometrium, is the most active layer which responds to the cyclic ovarian hormonal changes. The endometrium is highly specialized and is essential to menstrual and reproductive function. These monthly changes in the endometrium takes place under the influence of hormones (estrogen, progesterone) produced by the ovary.    

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In the post-menstrual phase, the endometrium starts to thicken in preparation for ovulation to occur. fully matured eggs get ovulated and is implanted in the uterus. If after 24 hours, the egg is not fertilized by a sperm, it would die and gets flushed out of the uterus as blood together with the uterine lining. This monthly process of Menstruation leads to the constant shredding of eggs and uterine lining in form of monthly menstrual flow. 

The best nutrients in our body are used by the cells of the ovaries to produce eggs, and fertility regulating hormones like estrogen and progesterone. These nutrients according to Gods Design ought to be replaced back to the body through the consumption of high-quality foods abundantly rich with the vitamins and minerals needed to produce high quality eggs and fertility hormones.

This is because the menstrual shredding of blood monthly leads to the continual loss of nutrient’s like

·         Vitamin B (1, 2,3,5,6,7,9,12), these vitamin plays an important role in the creation and activation of estrogen in the body.

·         Vitamin D, functions as a communication hormone which plays an important role during estrogen biosynthesis in the body.

·         Vitamin E, provides anti-oxidant functions to help prevent free radical damage to the uterus cells.

·         Zinc, fiber, Sulphur vitamin c are used in the production of progesterone

·         Magnesium, they ensure good elasticity and contraction of the muscular parts of the uterus

·         Boron, Boron is a trace mineral that influences estrogen receptors and is used in the metabolism of sex hormones. It helps stores sexual energy and create a balance hormonal system

·         DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone, it is the building block for estrogen.

·         Omega-3 fatty acids, is used by the body for maintaining healthy blood vessels.

            These nutrients are very important and vital for optimal uterus health because they are the basic building blocks upon which the cells of the uterus depend on to be able to carry out the specific functions which it is designed to carry out. Unavailability of any of these nutrients to the cells of the uterus would lead to the malfunctioning of that cell when carrying out its duties.

This happens because we all are made up of cells in our smallest units. We all are born through the fusion of a Sperm cell and an Egg cell on a cellular level to form the physical human body. Cells makes up tissues like the muscular tissues, and these tissues makes up the organ like the uterus and this organ called the uterus is part of the female reproductive system which is an important part of the female body. 

CELLS are made up of vitamins which are found in our foods. Every day over 30 billion cells die in our body and are replaced by new cells. The resources used for the replacement of dead cells with new cells comes from the nutrients available in the food we consume.

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During the menstrual cycle, billions of blood and fertility cells are lost and ought to be replace through the consumption of high nutritional meals daily.

Due to the Modern diets of today which are heavily synthetic and highly processed, foods contain little or no nutrients needed for the efficient growth of new blood cells and fertility hormones which were lost during Menstruation.

Nobody wants to be a local farmer in our world today. Everyone is looking for a professional white-collar job, and going to schools to study professional courses. Most of the functional farms in the world today are owned by large co-operation whose sole aim of going into farming is not to provide high quality food for humanity but to maximize profit. This leads to the production of farm produced through chemical processes. The fertilizers and pesticides used are synthetic chemicals and this leads to little or no nutrients being absorbed by the foods produced from such farms.

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Because of the low level of nutritional elements available in the food we eat today, there is also low level of nutrition available in the body and these leads to the production of cells which are not up to the standards required for optimal performance of the body functions. This leads to a degenerative state in the body on a cellular level and these degenerative process leads to degenerative diseases like quick aging, cyst and fibroids.

Research now shows that up to 70% to 80% of women will get fibroids before the age of 50.

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Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths in the uterus which can become cancerous depending on individual lifestyle.


·         SUBMUCOSAL FIBROIDS, - these are growths that develop within the inner lining of the uterus, or endometrium. Causes pains and heavy bleeding.

·         INTRAMURAL FIBROIDS, - these growths are located within the muscles of the uterus enlarge tummies

·         SUB SEROSAL FIBROIDS, - these growths are located on the outside of the uterus. It causes pains and enlargement of the pelvic region

·         INTRACAVITARY FIBROID – located in the muscle beneath the endometrium of the uterus and distorts the uterine cavity. Causes pain and pressure during sex, fills the womb and leads to miscarriages.

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  • Heavy bleeding during your menstrual period.
  • Miscarriages
  • Hormonal Imbalance (mood swings)
  •  Periods that last more than a week.
  •  Frequent urination and difficulty emptying your bladder.
  •  Constipation.
  •  Back, lower back or leg pain.
  •  Severe pain or very heavy bleeding that needs emergency surgery.
  • Twisting of the fibroid -- This can cause blocked blood vessels that feed the tumor. 
  •  Anemia (not having enough red blood cells) from heavy bleeding.


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Conventional medicinal practices have no FINAL SOLUTION to this HEALTH challenge of Fibroid, but I bring to you the ULTIMATE SOLUTION through the SCIENCE OF NUTRITION.


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The best doctor gives the least medicine, Benjamin franklin, one of the founding fathers of United States.

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The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our food “.

-          Hippocrates an ancient Greek physician –   his works on nutrition lead to him being de-cleared the father of modern medicine. 

The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition. Thomas Edison the founder of the light bulb made this prophecy. 

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 He died in 18th oct 1931 aka 20th century. Today we are in the 21st century and I tell you that the future he was talking about has already arrived. 

 You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.

Dr. Linus Pauling, two-time Nobel prize winner.

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The Main Products That Are Used for Maintenance of Optimum Uterus Health Are:


CLEAN 9 : Used for cleansing and detoxification of the body from toxins on a cellular level.

Helps to balance the body’s hormones.

  •             ALOE VERA GEL it is a general body tonic: replenishes lost vital nutrients (amino acid, vitamins and minerals. it is an elixir of life. 
  • Increases feelings of vitality and increases flexibility 
  • Contains more than 200 nutrients compounds.
  • Detoxifies the entire body system of toxins (Due to the presence of vitamin A, C and E). Protecting the cells, tissues and organs. (Strong antioxidant) aids rejuvenation and slows down the aging process. 
  • Cleanses the entire digestive system (due to the presence of saponin) and also, aid in healing stomach disorders, constipation, hemorrhoids, rectal itching, uterus defects, colitis and all colon problems
  • It is a non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory, helpful against infections, even against AIDS. 
  • Natural source of energy (increases rate of metabolism); helps against low energy level.




Vitolize for Women

  •  This wonderful supplement has been formulated with a woman’s needs in mind, it includes a proprietary blend of apple powder, passion flower and schisandra which helps balance hormones and overall health and well-being. 
  • Helps renew the vitality, agility and freedom of youth 
  • It contains patented forms of iron and calcium, two critical minerals for woman’s cardiovascular and bone health.
  • Helps regulate menstrual flow
  • Good for women before and after menopause. 
  • Helps maintain genital organs at optimum efficiency. 
  • The natural blend of antioxidant- rich fruits, herbs, vitamins and minerals in Vitolize Women’s Vitality Supplement is specifically designed to help a woman become and feel younger even in her old age by stimulating quick cell regeneration
  • Vitolize includes a proprietary blend of botanicals including apple powder, passion flower and schisandra berry. Each of these botanicals has been used for centuries to balance women’s hormones, support urinary tract health and promote overall well-being.  Protects against free radicals, promotes a balanced mood.
  • Nutritional support for hormonal and mood balance.
  • Supports mental and physical energy levels 
  • Supports healthy reproductive organs.
  • Natural aphrodisiac 
  • Helpful supplement against discomfort due to PMS, menopause or less than optimal urinary tract function. 




Forever Aloe Berry Nectar

Aloe berry nectar, promotes optimal urinary tract health by supply needed nutrients for creation of healthy cells of the reproductive and urinary organs. 

  • Very good for the reproductive system and urinary tract.  Has all the benefits of Aloe Vera
  • Helps manage the situation of fibroid and un-wanted growth in the uterus.
  • Helps manage the situation of fibroid and un-wanted growth in the uterus.
  • Cleanses the entire urinary system, helps detoxifies the liver and kidney.       

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Forever Garcinia Plus

GARCINIA PLUS, helps shrink the fibroids and rid the system off the unnatural growth.

  • has the ability to block conversion of sugar into fat, by inhibiting the enzyme lipase, thus reducing accumulated fat






FOREVER IMMUNE BLEND helps strengthens the body’s immune system to help prevent infections.  

  • Helps the body biological defense system to operate at its peak
  • Prevents existing fibroids from becoming cancerous 




Forever Bee Propolis

FOREVER BEE PROPOLIS --- this is the most potent form of naturally occurring anti-biotics helps prevents all forms of infections.

  •  Good for all cases of germs, tumors and septic conditions.
  • Natural and powerful anti-biotic an excellent aid against bacterial, fungi and virus infections.
  • Prevents existing fibroids from becoming infected.              


Aloe Vera Gelly by Forever Living


FOREVER ALOE GELLY – natural aloe gelly used for INSERTION. This cuts out the fibroid gradually out of the uterus. 

  • It is totally absorbed by the skin and so promotes healing internally and externally.


Nature Min

      NATURE MIN – Known as Nature Minerals and it provides the necessary minerals needed for the production of healthy uterus cells. 

  • Promotes excellent elasticity and contraction of the uterus during pregnancy and delivery. 




While Shrinking Existing Fibroids or after Shrinking existing Fibroids, if you want to get pregnant, PRODUCTS THAT ARE USED FOR FERTILITY AND MAINTANANCE OF A HEALTHY PREGANCY ARE :

Forever Royal Jelly® by Forever Living

FOREVER ROYAL JELLY. Fountain of youth. Provides the fertility needs of the woman.

  • The fountain of youth: aids cells regeneration.
  • Combat stress by alleviating the symptoms during pregnancy.
  • Helpful against flaccidly: especially in breast.
  • Improve skin texture and clarity
  • It is Anti-ageing

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Vitolize for Women


  • helps balance hormones and overall health and well-being. 
  • Helps regulate menstrual flow, and prevent menstrual challenges.
  • increases fertility. 
  • Helps maintain genital organs at optimum efficiency.               
  • Supports healthy reproductive organs.                        
  • Increases sexual energy, sex drive and stamina.           
  •  stimulates quick cell regeneration.                                                                             


Forever B12 Plus® by Forever Living


  • helps maintain the health of all body cells 
  • essential for proper mental and emotional health during pregnancy 
  • Folic acid is a key element in the enzyme that makes DNA duplication possible
  • Helps promotes healthy conception and prevents miscarriages.


Forever Arctic Sea® by Forever Living


  • helps reduce excessive bleeding.
  • Good for brain development for all including unborn children and the growing child.
  • reduces the excess cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Help maintain a healthy heart and healthy blood vessels.

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